Insurance Deductible
What is the deductible?
Most insurance policies have a deductible amount which the policy holder is responsible to pay. It is a form of co-insurance built into your policy whereby the insured agrees to cover the initial portion of their claim.
When do I have to pay the deductible?
The deductible payment is required before any repair work can be scheduled.
Who do I pay the deductible to?
The deductible is paid directly to Total Exteriors. Our billing to your insurance company is reduced by this amount.
Do I have to pay GST on my claim?
You are responsible for the GST on your claim if you are “GST registered.” In other words, if the property is insured under a company name and the company is GST registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Insurance Deductible for Alberta Condo Owners
On January 1, 2020 there was a significant change made under Section 62.4 of the Condominium Property Regulations. Please see the attached notice: